
  • Updates on the low recoil 45/70 short range load
    969 Visualizzazioni

    On Saturday I took the low recoil offhand shooting cartridges to the range for some testing. Shot the rifle from a sandbag, and it proved quite accurate at 50 m, with managable recoil. At 100 it was poor against my long range cartridges, but at 50 m the bullets hit the same hole. On Sunday we had a 50 m offhand BPCR match that I shot with these BPCR cartridges (34 gr 3Fg Swiss, corn meal filler, cardboard wad, .458" 405 Grain Lyman bullet, soft Minié lube, no crimp). The first 5 shots went...

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  • Short range target load for a Pedersoli 45/70 bore
    1393 Visualizzazioni

    I am just preparing for the weekend with some low recoil 50 meters loads for my Pedersoli Rolling Block 45/70 rifle for offhand shooting. I loaded 28 cartridges with 34 grains of 3Fg Swiss powder + 25 grains of semiola + a cardboard wad + a 405 grain Lyman flat point bullet sized to .458". Overall cartridge length: 68,77 mm, no crimp, fire formed cases. Lube is my soft lube with 0W40 engine oil + besswax + tallow. I usally shoot heavier bullets (Lyman Postel) with heavier loads (55 grains...

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