Tag:"Muzzleloading shotgun"

  • New product in sight: Pedersoli Double Flintlock Shotgun
    632 Visualizzazioni
    40 Commenti

    Dear All, Please check one of our new products for the year 2017. A flintlock double shotgun for hunters and clay target shooters. At the current stage I can not share more info, but I hope the pictures will speak for themselves. [gallery link="file" ids="456,455,454,453"] Best regards, The Pedersoli Team

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  • Duck hunting with a Pedersoli muzzleloader and steel shot
    818 Visualizzazioni

     "I had used some larger pieces of driftwood and some bailing twine to tie together a fairly solid frame for a blind, to which I tied a hundred or so willow saplings to build a fairly comfortable and roomy blind.      That blind just happened to be located at the downriver point of a small island in the river.  The chute that actually made it an "island" is about 3/4-mile in length, and most of the upstream section is so shallow that you can wade across without anything more than a regular...

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