Capandball has just recently published a video series about two iconic muskets of the Napoleonic wars: the 1777 French and the 1798 Austrian musket. The 3 part series introduces their development, history and basic differences and similarities. The 3rd part is about the accuracy of the original service charges. He is using one of our repros in this part to do the heavy load testing.
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Tag:"Napoleonic wars"
Muskets and light infantry fire
Tirailleurs, muskets, Napoleonic wars - a new Capandball film series698 Visualizzazioni2 Commenti(5.0)
I am pretty sure that we all love flintlock muskets. Not because they are the most accurate weapons, but because they are just extreme fun to shoot. The Capandball YouTube cahnnel just started a series about the muskets of the Napoleonic wars, concentrating on the French 1777 and the Austrian 1798 muskets. And I am pretty sure that our muskets will have a part in this project... So if you are interested in Napoleonic times musketry and firearms history, you'll enjoy this series.
Our Jager rifle and light infantry tactics of the Napoleonic wars732 Visualizzazioni
Here is a new video from the Capandball channel. Seems to me another nice time travel. Capandball is demonstrating the light infantry tactics of the early 19th century with proving the accuracy of our flintlock Jäger rifle in military conditions as well. Give this video time. It will worth it!
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