News of the world

  • New Pedersoli items at IWA 2018
    3984 Visualizzazioni
    2 Commenti

    Dear All, Please check the latest uploads from Capandball presenting our new items at this years IWA expo in Nürnberg, Germany. We were so happy to meet our shooters, hunters and dealers. We together make the black powder World go round! Our new double flintlock shotgun: Our new 1886 Lever Action rifles: Our new .410 double shotgun: Our new single shot value for money percussion shotgun: Best regards, Team Pedersoli

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  • Check out our new items for 2017
    568 Visualizzazioni

    The Capandball YouTube channel visited our booth at this year's IWA show in Nürnberg, and made  short film about all the new items we displayed. We are quite proud for our new items, and hope to have all of them soon on the market.

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  • New product in sight: Pedersoli Double Flintlock Shotgun
    683 Visualizzazioni
    40 Commenti

    Dear All, Please check one of our new products for the year 2017. A flintlock double shotgun for hunters and clay target shooters. At the current stage I can not share more info, but I hope the pictures will speak for themselves. [gallery link="file" ids="456,455,454,453"] Best regards, The Pedersoli Team

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  • Muzzle loaders endangered by the EU (press release by FACE)
    636 Visualizzazioni
    20 Commenti

    So you think you see a flintlock historical rifle in the picture? You are wrong. According to some EU bureaucrats this is a dangerous tool of evil that has to be banned in the name of the fight against terrorism... Source of the article: "The Dutch Presidency proposed to ban Category D and reproductions of antique firearms, currently not regulated at EU level, while obliging sport shooters to join...

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  • Colse ups of the new Pedersoli 1886 Lever Action rifle
    681 Visualizzazioni

    Pics taken at IWA 2015. The show is still on, so do not forget to stop at our booth! Here are some pics of our new 1886 Lever Action rifle. It will be available this year, early summer, so stay tuned! [gallery link="file" ids="308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315"]

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  • IFG USA - see our display room
    610 Visualizzazioni

    We are constantly working on improving our services for our customers. An important step in this process was when we teamed up with 3 other well known Italian firearms manufacturers to establish a supply centre in the United States. Have a look at now at our show room. [gallery link="file" ids="297,298,299,300,301"] IFG-NA, LLC dba Italian Firearms Group 1619 South Kentucky, Suite B-210 - P.O. Box 2726 - 79105 - Amarillo, Texas Phone:  1-800-450-1852 / 1-806-398-0777 / 1-806-398-0778 fax:...

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  • 38 Pedersoli medals at the World Championships - a review by Pierangelo Pedersoli
    0 Visualizzazioni

    We had our fingers crossed for all the shooters participating at the 26th MLAIC World Championships in Granada from 28th September - 5th October. Such a beautiful place to be. The Spanish people are so friendly, and the range's quality is up to the highest standards. The landscape with the Sierra Nevada in the background is just fabulous. As usual, Pedersoli was one of the principal sponsors of the event, and to be honest, we are always very proud to support the MLAIC international matches....

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  • 23rd Annual Matthew Quigley Buffalo Rifle Match review
    846 Visualizzazioni

    [caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="474"] Dean Andvik, Kindred, ND, winner of the Pedersoli Quigley rifle[/caption] We are really proud that we can support such excellent sportshooting events like the 23rd Annual Matthew Quigley Buffalo Rifle Match held June14-15, 2014 in Forsythe, MT. These people keep the spirit of those great old times alive. Please let me share with you the letter of Mr. Buz Coker, director of the Match.   "Dear Mr. Pedersoli, I would like to thank...

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  • Program about Pedersoli at American Outdoor TV
    681 Visualizzazioni

    We are very proud we could welcome the team of Amercan Outdoors in our factory. Thank you very much for this excellent program about our vision of making guns.

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