Tag:"Patch roundball"

  • Trapper shooting with the Pedersoli Jäger rifle
    652 Visualizzazioni

    A new short video is posted about living history wekends, trapper shooting by the Capandball guys.  Shooting muzzleloading rifles to various distances from 40-150 meters offhand, without modern shooting gear is a great challenge. The shooter - Balazs - chose one of our Pedersoli Jäger flintlock rifles for these events and for hunting as well. Enjoy the video!   [gallery link="file" ids="128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135"]

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  • The easiest method to choose the right patch for your round ball rifle
    2219 Visualizzazioni

    The patching material is the key to be accurate with a round ball load. A good patch is made of good quality, dense natural material. You can buy good quality patches in your local blackpowder shop, but you can also make your own. Which ever you choose, keep in mind a few things: You must have a tight patch-ball combination It is easy to determinate the minimum thickness of the material: If your bore measures .50” between the lands, and your ball measures .49” the difference is .01”....

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