Watch Hickok45 firing our 20ga percussion Howdah pistol

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  • Colonel_Bat_Guano
    Da:Colonel_Bat_Guano In 09/07/2017

    Why in the world do you have the powder in a WOODEN cigar box? Blowback from those caps could ignite that with a really bad effect. Keep it sealed in a the can, & measure each charge directly then load. The caps should be secured between shots as well. Ideally you should not load at the firing position.

  • Colonel_Bat_Guano
    Da:Colonel_Bat_Guano In 09/07/2017

    Why in the world do you have the powder in a WOODEN cigar box? Blowback from those caps could ignite that with a really bad effect. Keep it sealed in a the can, & measure each charge directly then load. The caps should be secured between shots as well. Ideally you should not load at the firing position.

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