
  • Hunting with Pedersoli muzzleloaders
    942 Visualizzazioni

    Let me draw your attention to a few new content our users shared recently about some great memories they seized with Pedersoli muzzleloading guns. Turkey hunting with a Pedersoli 10 ga shotgun The first article goes into the very details of hunting with a muzzleloading shotgun. Toby Bridges, a well know expert of blackpowder hunting, guides you through the steps of developing a good load for your ML scatter gun. Click here to read the full article! Big game hunting with the Pedersoli...

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  • Cleaning the Remington with complete disassembly
    772 Visualizzazioni

    The complete method Check if the gun is unloaded. Put the hammer in half cock, release the loading lever and pull the axis forward to remove the cylinder from the frame. Unscrew all the nipples. Remove the grip panels by removing their screw. Loosen the main spring screw located at the front side of the grip frame. Use a brass rod and hammer to push out the strong end of the main spring from it recess. Unscrew the screw of the trigger guard and remove the trigger guard. Unscrew the...

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  • Our Jager rifle and light infantry tactics of the Napoleonic wars
    732 Visualizzazioni

    Here is a new video from the Capandball channel. Seems to me another nice time travel. Capandball is demonstrating the light infantry tactics of the early 19th century with proving the accuracy of our flintlock Jäger rifle in military conditions as well. Give this video time. It will worth it!  

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  • Cleaning your full stock muzzleloading rifle
    872 Visualizzazioni

    Here is a short video from one of our contributors, the Capandball channel about a simple but effective cleaning method for full stock blackpowder rifles.  

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  • The Pedersoli 12 ga Classic Double Shotgun in action
    775 Visualizzazioni

    It is out of question that clay target shooting with friends is an excellent way to spend the day. And of course it adds a lot to the business if it is done with muzzleloading shotguns. In the next video you will find a review of our Classic Doubles 12 ga Shotgun with many good advises how to develop your good load for the old double. Enjoy!

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  • Duck hunting with a Pedersoli muzzleloader and steel shot
    883 Visualizzazioni

     "I had used some larger pieces of driftwood and some bailing twine to tie together a fairly solid frame for a blind, to which I tied a hundred or so willow saplings to build a fairly comfortable and roomy blind.      That blind just happened to be located at the downriver point of a small island in the river.  The chute that actually made it an "island" is about 3/4-mile in length, and most of the upstream section is so shallow that you can wade across without anything more than a regular...

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  • The 10 most important safety rules of blackpowder shooting
    623 Visualizzazioni

    Never shoot anything else from your gun than factory made blackpowder. Never load your blackpowder gun directly from your flask. Never drink alcohol or take drugs before, during shooting. And this applies for drugs after shooting as well. Know your target. Know what's behind your target before pulling the trigger. If you have a misfire, wait 30 seconds and start to remove the ball after this time passed. The proper way of removing a dead charge: put the hammer in half...

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  • Making your flintlock ignition faster in 15 easy steps
    3808 Visualizzazioni
    8 Commenti

    A fast lock - and a good shooter - is essential to shoot straight with a flintlock rifle.  Now here is a short collection about fine tuning your lock to make it as fast as possible. 1. Check the ergonomy of the lock: the sparks should fall directly into the center of the pan. You can play with the lenght of the flint adjust this position, but it's better choose a lock with good ergonomy. 2. Check your flint size: put the hammer in halfcock, close the frizzen. The edge of the flint should...

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  • DP Missouri River Hawken meets the sabot
    783 Visualizzazioni
    4 Commenti

    The Capandball guys are testing Pedersoli guns again. They took one of our Missouri River Hawkens to the range to test it with plastic sabot bullest. Hunting loads of course. Check their report. Happy to see that our traditional rifle performs well with modern bullet concepts as well.

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  • Duelist1954 shooting the Pedersoli Charleville 1766 musket
    1206 Visualizzazioni

      Here is another YouTube review of one of our firearms, the 1766 Charleville musket. This film is made by Mike "duelis1954" Beliveau, author of the Guns of the Old West magazine.  Nice job Mike! Many thanks for the review!  

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  • Why not to use unproofed reproduction firearms?
    428 Visualizzazioni

    A friend of mine just found this interesting article about why not to use repros that are not manufactured with high quality standards. You may know that ALL Italian manufactured reproduction must pass the CIP proofing process. This technically means that all of the bores manufactured in Italy must go through high pressure shooting tests. And what is the opposit? Read this article, and think why we are prod to see the CIP proofes on our pistols and rifles....

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  • Lock time differences from hangonne to caplock
    778 Visualizzazioni

    Here is a series of slow motion videos by Capandball showing the difference between the ignition times of different muzzleloading iginition systems. Of course, it depends on the quality of the lock, the quality of the priming powder, and the size and placement of the flash hole. But it is clearly visible that the the caplock fires nearly immediately, while all the other iginition systems have a short delay. The videos are filmed with 400 frame per sec and slowed down to 50%.  

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Showing 13 to 24 of 33 (3 Pages)

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