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  • Reloading the 45/70 for Pedersoli Rolling Block rifle

    We just received some excellent info  from our friend in France, Johannes Couturier. He is shooting one of our 45/70 Rolling Block rifles with excellent results at 100 meters. He is reloading his own cartridges, here is his recipi. "Rectified Remington cartridge cases, fireformed, partially sized and cleaned inside and out after each shot. The primers are CCI BR2 “bench rest”. Bullets made with a custom Steve Brooks mould producing a 500 grains bullet. Alloy 95% lead, 5% tin, chosen by weight...

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  • Shooting the Traditional Hawken rifle

    These rifles are available in .50 and .54 calibers both in flintlock and percussion. We started manufacturing an economy line of traditional Hawken rifles for hunters, fun shooters and newcomers in the blackpowder World. Here is on of the first reviews. This one is done by the Capandball guys.   [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,32,31,29"]

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  • Shooting the Kodiak Express double rifle

    Our Kodiak Express rifle is an effective hunting arm, and it is unique on the market. Here is the range report on the latest model.     [gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="10,11,12,13,14,15,16"]

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Showing 85 to 87 of 87 (8 Pages)

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