Product reviews

  • Project New Barrel for an Old Waadtländer - post from a customer

    We are always happy when we receive feedback from our customers. This helps us improve, and in perfecting our firearms. And we are especially happy when we receive a positive feedback like the one we received from Thomas Klaner. Best regards, The Pedersoli Team   Dear Pedersoli Team, First of all I like to thank the Company Davide Pedersoli & C. for their support and generousity to provide me with the “New Barrel” for this project and my special thanks to Mr. Pierangelo Pedersoli....

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  • Hole in hole accuracy of the new Pedersoli 1854 Lorenz rifle

    Dear All, We always pay attention to each and every minor details of a historical arm when we start reproducing a part of our common history. The development always takes a long time. And when the new firearm is ready we can't wait till its story is filled with life at the range. Because we make the firearm, but it is you, our shooters, hunters, collectors who fill them with spirit. The load development of a new arms is always an exciting project. Here is the detailed story of Capandball...

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  • New Pedersoli items at IWA 2018

    Dear All, Please check the latest uploads from Capandball presenting our new items at this years IWA expo in Nürnberg, Germany. We were so happy to meet our shooters, hunters and dealers. We together make the black powder World go round! Our new double flintlock shotgun: Our new 1886 Lever Action rifles: Our new .410 double shotgun: Our new single shot value for money percussion shotgun: Best regards, Team Pedersoli

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  • First shots with the Pedersoli 1854 Lorenz rifle

    Please check Capandball's teaser about one of the very first Lorenz rifles. The current short film is a teaser, so we can not wait till the full movie arrives to the channel.  

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  • Hickok45 testing our 45LC/.410 Howdah pistol

    Dear All, Hickok45 is probably the best known YouTube historical firearms hero on the net today. In his recent review he is shooting our double barrel 45LC/.410 breech loading Howdah pistol. Please check his video: Best regards, The Pedersoli team

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  • Watch Hickok45 firing our 20ga percussion Howdah pistol

    Hickok45 well known YouTube hero just posted a new video about shooting the Pedersoli 20ga percussion Howdah pistol. Why don't you follow him on this adventure?

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  • Pedersoli Howdah Double Barrel .45 Colt/.410 pistol shotgun in action

    Reproduction of the famous Auto & Burglar pistol produced by Ithaca Company in the 1920. Our version features rifled barrels and a special cartridge chamber enabling interchangeable use of either the .45 Long Colt caliber or 410 gauge shotshells. Manual extractors, automatic safety on the hammers complete the equipment of this unusual and fascinating pistol. A good looking model, aesthetically emphasized by the case hardened action and the walnut stock, oil finished.

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  • Presenting the Pedersoli Volunteer rifle

    On the 16th of November 1859 the British “National Rifle Association” was founded, aimed at the promotion of target shooting in British territories, intended to heavily support the Volunteer Rifle Corps. The British N.R.A., for the first time, organized a national event held at Wimbledon in 1860. Taking inspiration from this historical sporting event we are glad to introduce to you the “Volunteer Rifle” featuring a .451 caliber barrel, broach rifled with an optimal twist for target shooting...

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  • Check out our new items for 2017

    The Capandball YouTube channel visited our booth at this year's IWA show in Nürnberg, and made  short film about all the new items we displayed. We are quite proud for our new items, and hope to have all of them soon on the market.

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  • Shooting With Pedersoli's 1-in-24 Twist .50 Caliber RB-ML Rifle

    While the rifle shown here, the Pedersoli .50 caliber No. 209 primer ignition in-line Rolling Block Muzzleloader, may have a very mid to late 1800's look to it, this rifle is actually somewhat advanced over the vast majority of other .50 caliber in-line rifle models on the market right now.  And, that would be due to the fact that the rifling twist of this rifle's bore is a snappy 1-in-24 twist ... while every other production run in-line .50 caliber rifle comes with a 1-in-28 rifling twist....

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  • The Pedersoli Whitworth rifle in action

    Dear All, We have a new Pedersoli Whitworth rifle review from the Capandball YouTube Channel. Some nice grouping at 50m and 100m. A good demonstration what our hammer forged hexagonal rifled barrels are capable of. Enjoy! The Pedersoli team

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  • New product in sight: Pedersoli Double Flintlock Shotgun

    Dear All, Please check one of our new products for the year 2017. A flintlock double shotgun for hunters and clay target shooters. At the current stage I can not share more info, but I hope the pictures will speak for themselves. [gallery link="file" ids="456,455,454,453"] Best regards, The Pedersoli Team

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Showing 1 to 12 of 42 (4 Pages)

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