Tag: "Whitworth rifle"

  • The Pedersoli Whitworth rifle in action

    Dear All, We have a new Pedersoli Whitworth rifle review from the Capandball YouTube Channel. Some nice grouping at 50m and 100m. A good demonstration what our hammer forged hexagonal rifled barrels are capable of. Enjoy! The Pedersoli team

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  • The story of the Whitworth rifle

    It is without question that the most feared rifle of the American Civil War was the British- made Whitworth rifle imported by the Confederacy and delivered by fearless blockade runners thru the blockade of the U.S. Navy. But what made this rifle so special? Why was it necessary sometimes to deploy entire artillery batteries to silence one single Whitworth sharpshooter? The history of this beautiful rifle began in 1854 when Lord Harding, Commander in Chief of the British Army asked Sir Joseph...

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  • The new Pedersoli Whitworth rifle

    Some good news to post: we have just started the production of the iconic long range military target rifle of the mid 19th century. Sir Joseph Whitworth, an excellent engineer experimented with various rifling methods to extend the range of the muzzle loading rifle muskets. In the 1850s he designed a small calibre fast twist hexagonal bore rifle, that started the age of long range sport shooting as well. This rifle proved extremely effective in the hands of the Confederate sharpshooters...

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