A young and enthusiastic Italian shooter was so kind to share with us his expereinces with his first ever muzzleloading gun: a Pedersoli Gibbs .45 long range rifle. Here is his story of success: I am Gianluca Frison, 41 years old, I live at Enego, a small mountain village located on the Sette Comuni plateau (Vicenza). The passion for hunting, harboured since childhood, was passed down from my grandfather to my father and for more than twenty years I have been reloading for several calibres,...
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Author: wad agency
Developing load for .45 cal Pedersoli Gibbs rifle
Speedloaders of the Napoleonic times723 Views
Here is an interesting article about some special items of the elite troops of the K.K. Army. We like to think that most of the practical tools of blackpowder shooting and hunting were invented in the 20th century, while there are many ingenious items that were already in use many centuries ago. Here is one example: speed loading tubes of the Jäger troops. http://kapszli.hu/en/speedloaders-of-the-napoleonic-times/
Blackpowder hunting with 4 PedersolisPosted in: Blackpowder hunting989 Views
It was just a few days to Christmas… The last week of the working year is always kind of busy, but for this time we had a different project in mind then sitting in the office waiting for the year to end. This was not the first time to hunt together with Pierangelo Pedersoli and his son, Paolo here in Hungary. Each year we managed to organize a short driven pheasant and jack rabbit hunt with my friends, but this year’s hunt was a special occasion. We’ve been working on the legislation of...
Cleaning your full stock muzzleloading rifle870 Views
Here is a short video from one of our contributors, the Capandball channel about a simple but effective cleaning method for full stock blackpowder rifles.
The Pedersoli 12 ga Classic Double Shotgun in action774 Views
It is out of question that clay target shooting with friends is an excellent way to spend the day. And of course it adds a lot to the business if it is done with muzzleloading shotguns. In the next video you will find a review of our Classic Doubles 12 ga Shotgun with many good advises how to develop your good load for the old double. Enjoy!
Shooting the Pedersoli Sharps Benchrest 22LR to 100 m1154 Views2 Comments(5.0)
Here is another video review from one of our rifles. This film was filmed by the Capandball guys while they visited our factory in May this year. Our heavy barrel small calibre 1874 Sharps performed well also at 100 m. [gallery link="file" ids="244,245,246,247,248,249"]
Duck hunting with a Pedersoli muzzleloader and steel shot881 Views
"I had used some larger pieces of driftwood and some bailing twine to tie together a fairly solid frame for a blind, to which I tied a hundred or so willow saplings to build a fairly comfortable and roomy blind. That blind just happened to be located at the downriver point of a small island in the river. The chute that actually made it an "island" is about 3/4-mile in length, and most of the upstream section is so shallow that you can wade across without anything more than a regular...
The original service method for cleaning your U.S. rifle musket bore1136 Views
Extracts from: Rules for the management and cleaning of the rifle musket, model 1863, for the use of soldiers with descriptive plates. (Washington, 1863) After dismounting the barrel from the stock, the soldier had to follow these steps: „To clean the barrel: 1st. Stop the hole in the cone with a peg of wood; pour a gill of water (warm if it can be had) into the muzzle; let it stand a short time to soften the deposit of the powder; put a plug of soft wood into the muzzle and shake the water...
Trofeo delle Armerie DAVIDE PEDERSOLI 2014Posted in: Eventi Pedersoli605 Views
IL SUCCESSO DEL “TROFEO ARMERIE PEDERSOLI” Quella del “Trofeo Armerie” è una della tante iniziative organizzate dalla Davide Pedersoli per attirare l’attenzione del pubblico sul mondo del tiro ad avancarica. Il giorno 26 di Ottobre si è svolta a Gardone V.T., presso la sede del locale Tiro a Segno Nazionale, la finale della 1° edizione del “Trofeo Armerie Pedersoli”, evento organizzato dell’omonima azienda per favorire l’incontro degli appassionati con la pratica del tiro con armi ad...
The 10 most important safety rules of blackpowder shooting623 Views
Never shoot anything else from your gun than factory made blackpowder. Never load your blackpowder gun directly from your flask. Never drink alcohol or take drugs before, during shooting. And this applies for drugs after shooting as well. Know your target. Know what's behind your target before pulling the trigger. If you have a misfire, wait 30 seconds and start to remove the ball after this time passed. The proper way of removing a dead charge: put the hammer in half...
Making your flintlock ignition faster in 15 easy steps3808 Views8 Comments(5.0)
A fast lock - and a good shooter - is essential to shoot straight with a flintlock rifle. Now here is a short collection about fine tuning your lock to make it as fast as possible. 1. Check the ergonomy of the lock: the sparks should fall directly into the center of the pan. You can play with the lenght of the flint adjust this position, but it's better choose a lock with good ergonomy. 2. Check your flint size: put the hammer in halfcock, close the frizzen. The edge of the flint should...
Hickok45 shooting the Lyman/ Pedersoli Sharps again864 Views
Please check Hickok45's second video about shooting our Lyman/Pedersoli Sharps. Excellent little demonstration about our rifle.
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Project New Barrel for an Old Waadtländer - post from a customerWe are always happy when we receive feedback from our customers. This helps us improve, and in perfecting our...Read more
Hole in hole accuracy of the new Pedersoli 1854 Lorenz rifle4254 viewsDear All, We always pay attention to each and every minor details of a historical arm when we start reproducing a...Read more
New Pedersoli items at IWA 20183984 views 2 commentsDear All, Please check the latest uploads from Capandball presenting our new items at this years IWA expo in...Read more
First shots with the Pedersoli 1854 Lorenz rifle3725 viewsPlease check Capandball's teaser about one of the very first Lorenz rifles. The current short film is a teaser, so we...Read more
1000 yard shooting with the Pedersoli 1874 Sharps riflePosted in: Cartridge guns0 viewsLong range shooting is pure art and hitting the metal gong at 1000 yards with an iron sight breech loading rifle from...Read more